E: As we were waiting for , we have the six chapter of the series , United By Fate , with DecenZo, Gonzalez and more in this epic travel.
S:/ Tal como estabamos esperandoya tenemos el sexto episodio de la serie United By Fate con Decenzo ; Gonzalez y demases. dandonos mas en este epico viaje.
E:Mark Appleyard , Louie Lopez David Gonzalez and even more at Rye Airfield in the tour doing demos and visiting local skate shops throught the east coast.
S: Mark Appleyard, Louie Lopez , David Gonzalez y mas en el Airfield de Rye en el tour que andan haciendo demos y visitando skate shops locales por la costa este.
E:/ This is how they pass the days there in the Baker Boys dist. Just rolling ....we let you a video with ten tricks on Jim Greco´s board
S:/ Así es com pasan los videos los chicos de Baker Boys distribucion , todo el dia rodando y rulando.. os dejamos diez trucos de la mano de Jim Greco .