Crossroads Best Trick - January 2011
The stars were out at the 2011 Crossroads Best Trick Contest with Chris Cole, Torey Pudwill, Nyjah Huston, Mark Appleyard, Ryan Decenzo, Jimmy Carlin, Ryan Sheckler, and more thrashing the new park's dreaded Hubbagate obstacle. When the blood curdled it was Manny Santiago top dog, $4K richer with a slew of NBDs including the jaw-dropping biggie blunt slide.Thanks to all the Crossroads bros and a special "Get Well Soon" to Aldrin Garcia.
Las estrellas salien en el 2011 para el campeonato de Crossroads , esta vez con Chris Cole, Torey Pudwill , Nyjah Huston , Mark Appleyard, Ryan Decenzo, Jimmy Carlin , Ryan Sheckler y mas patinando el nuevo parque de obstaculos de Hubbagate. Echale un ojo para ver quien fue el ganador .