

Watch close: This clip reveals how Alien Workshop had all the right ingredients for a KOTR win. Here's Crockett, Salazar, Fitzgerald, Taylor, and Jake Johnson.
Vigila de cerca: Este clip revela como Alien Workshop tiene todos los ingredientes adecuados para ser ganadores del KOTR, Aqui tenemos a Gilbert Crokett, Omar Salazar, John Fitzgerald, Grant Taylor, Jake Johnson.


Directed By Kirk Dianda
America was going through a major change in mind state in the ’50s and ’60s; people were going through a change in the way that they looked at society and the way that they thought about things. Humans are inventors, we can create something out of nothing, and that is exactly how skateboarding was born.—Chad Muska
Featuring Evan Smith (New Era MVP), Mark Appleyard, Chad Tim Tim, Nyjah Huston, Levi Brown, Boo Johnson, Madars Apse, Chad Muska, Nassim Guammaz, Chase Webb, Tom Schaar, Ethan Loy, and Ray Barbee.
Directed By Kirk Dianda.
America estaba pasadon por grandes cambios mentales durante la dedaca de los 50 y los 60, las personas estaban cambiando en la forma en las que veian a la sociedad y de como pensaban sobre las cosas. Los humanos son inventores, nosotros podemos crear algo de la nada, y es asi como el skate nació.- Chad Muska. 
Con la presencia de Evan Smith (New Era MVP), Mark Appleyard, Chad Tim Tim, Nyjah Huston, Levi Brown, Boo Johnson, Madars Apse, Chad Muska, Nassim Guammaz, Chase Webb, Tom Schaar, Ethan Loy, y Ray Barbee.


Bon Voyage trailer # 2 featuring Lucas Puig, Sammy Winter, Pete Eldridge, JB Gillet, Flo Mirtain, Charles Collet, Lem Villemin, Javier Mendizabal, Jeremie Daclin, Andrew Brophy, Daniel Espinoza, Joey Brezinski, Adrien Coillard, Max Geronzi and Kevin Bradley. Filmed and directed by Boris Proust
El nuevo video de Cliché , y de aperitivo este segundo trailer con Lucas Puig, Sammy Winter, Pete Eldridge, JB Gillet, Flo Mirtain, Charles Collet, Lem Villemin, Javier Mendizabal, Jeremie Daclin, Andrew Brophy, Daniel Espinoza, Joey Brezinski, Adrien Coillard, Max Geronzi y Kevin Bradley. Filmado y editado por Boris Proust.